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Why am I getting 100% moisture reading? 

If you're seeing a 100% moisture reading, it's a clear indicator that there's an excess of moisture present somewhere in the area being monitored.

Our system provides a best guess of the moisture value even when it falls outside the valid measurement range. However, it's important to note that the further we move outside this range, the greater the uncertainty becomes. For instance, if the actual moisture level is 28%, the value displayed in the application may range between 27-30%. Similarly, if the true moisture level is 40%, the displayed value may fluctuate between 30-50%.

While the exact values may not be precise in extreme conditions, they can still be used relatively. You'll be able to observe trends (whether moisture levels are rising or falling) and make comparisons between sensors (identifying if one area has higher moisture levels than another).

If the CLT is indeed drying out, you should gradually see the moisture value decrease. However, it's unlikely for moisture levels to suddenly drop from 100% to, for example, 25%, unless the drying process is exceptionally rapid within each four-hour transmission interval.

To monitor the situation more closely, we recommend adjusting the Transmission Frequency of the sensors to, for instance, once every hour. This will provide more frequent updates and allow you to track changes in moisture levels more accurately.

If you'd like further clarification or have additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!